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        (Once #2)

        4.40 · Rating details ·  8,932 ratings ·  729 reviews
        In Then - Morris Gleitzman's heartbreaking children's novel set during the Nazi occupation of Poland during the Second World War - Jewish orphan Felix and his best friend Zelda have been captured and are on the way to a concentration camp, unless they manage to escape . . .

        A little hope goes a long way.

        I had a plan for me and Zelda. Pretend to be someone else. Find new par
        Paperback, 184 pages
        Published January 1st 2009 by Puffin (first published 2008)
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        Jul 12, 2016 rated it really liked it
        Rating is a 4.5

        ONCE I read a book about a boy named Felix. He was a young child living during the terror of the Nazis and escaped an orphanage to find his parents. He met a 6 year-old girl named Zelda. They are just trying to survive and find new parents. THEN I picked up the 2nd book in this series to hear more about these two and I am just devastated.

        Then picks up immediately where the first book, Once, ends. Each chapter in each book begins with the one word title of the book. When I say the
        Sep 01, 2011 rated it it was amazing

        When I finished the review for the first book in this series, Once, I said that I would look out for the rest of the books in the series. However, after going to my nearest town - no HIGH STREET (I never go there because it is so small and has a crap selection of books in the library), I found this one, waiting for me.
        WOW, didn't realise I would find it THAT quickly. So...I picked it up.

        Synopsis: The book starts where the previous one left off after the
        Mar 25, 2013 rated it it was amazing
        I decided to read the book "Then" by Morris Gleitzman because I had read the first book in the series "Once" at Intermediate School and really enjoyed it.

        The category that this book fits into on the bingo board is, a book set in another time in history.

        The character I found most interesting was Felix. I feel I can relate to him because he worries (like I do at times) about lots of things and his actions at time can get him into danger. Felix is only 10 years old. He likes to explore, he likes to
        Lisa Vegan
        Oct 09, 2011 rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
        Recommends it for: every reader who enjoyed the book Once
        This is the second book in a trilogy, children’s novels with children characters about the Holocaust. In the first book, Once, the first word of each chapter was Once. Here, the first word in each chapter is Then. It works! Book 2 in a trilogy: typically the weakest book, but this book is as strong (and devastating and heartwarming) as is book 1. Packs a huge punch to the gut; for me the punch was completely worth taking. Lovely book. I’ll be reading the 3rd book even though I suspect it will be ...more
        I cried!!

        Wow - the cruelty that people can inflict on each other still catches me by surprise. We hear about, and condemn, acts of atrocity today. But stories like these bring home that nothing is new.

        Sep 23, 2011 rated it it was amazing
        Shelves: favorites
        *Sniff Sniff* Why?! Why did Morris Gleitzman write such a sad story!! This is the follow on to his first book on the holocaust called “Once”. It continues the story of the young Jewsish boy Felix and his little 6 year old friend Zelda. I can’t really say that I enjoyed the first book or this book because it’s such an emotional topic, but I can say that I liked it because Felix felt very real and his voice was very strong throughout the book. It felt exactly like I was hearing the story straight ...more
        Krista the Krazy Kataloguer
        The second book in this Holocaust trilogy was just as chilling and horrific as the first book, Once. It picks up exactly where Once left off, with Felix, age 10, and Zelda, age 6, fleeing through the countryside after managing to escape from a Nazi death train. I couldn't read this one all in one sitting; I had to read a few chapters at a time and stop. Just when you think everything may finally be all right for them, something horrible happens. The feeling of tension, of waiting for the other s ...more
        Claire (Book Blog Bird)
        Mar 20, 2017 rated it really liked it
        This is the follow up to Once, which was a bittersweet, heart warming story. This is a worthy sequel and Felix's narrative is as beautiful as ever. There's more of a dark undercurrent to this story, however, and the ending made me spin the audiobook back and forth a few times to see if I'd heard correctly. Definitely worth reading if you enjoyed the first book and I'm certainly going to carry on with the series.
        Felicity Gibson
        Oct 17, 2017 rated it it was amazing
        Shelves: favourites, novels
        Then and Once, the first two books of a series, tell the powerful story of a boy who grew up at the time of the Holocaust in Poland. I could often sympathize with the protagonist and imagine how tough it was for Jews. I would recommend this series to children in Years 5 and 6, especially if they are learning about the Holocaust.
        May 04, 2019 rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
        "Why do people start wars when they know so many sad things are going to happen? I don't get it?"

        Now I want to go and hug my mom so tightly and tell her how much I love her after this book!

        Oh my gosh this one was so fetching sad and the last 10 or less pages were heartbreaking 😭💔😭💔 I can't stop thinking about it now cause it's just too sad.... 😔😔

        This one picks up literally just seconds after
        what happened at the end of ONCE and from there it actually got so horrifically good that I had the hard
        Krystal Estrada
        Feb 04, 2015 rated it it was amazing
        Have you ever wondered how it was back then when the Nazis took over the Jewish people? Well then this is the book for you. This book is realistic fiction because it probably really happened back then but then it might not. In my opinion I think this book is really amazing because it teaches me how the Jewish were treated and how us people didn't really do nothing at that time.
        In the book Then there is a ten year old boy named Felix and a 6 year old girl named Zelda. They are hiding from the N
        Banafsheh Serov
        Jul 15, 2009 rated it really liked it
        Once and its sequel, Then are harrowing and beautifully told stories of ten year old Felix; a Jewish boy caught in the midst of the Holocaust. Similar to The Boy in the Stripped Pyjamas and equally as good, Once and Then are told through the eyes of Felix, illustrating with child like purity the senselessness of war.

        Once opens with Felix in a catholic orphanage where his parents had placed him in 1939. Two years later he escapes the orphanage to find the world outside changed dramatically. He su
        Apr 05, 2017 rated it really liked it
        1. I decided to read then because I was very interested in World War Two and lots of my friends and family recommended it to me.

        2. I liked this book because it really put me in the perspective of the Jews and Felix. This book made me think of the terrible war that happened not to long ago and how family's and civilisation was destroyed by the terrible doings of the nazis.

        3. I Learnt about some of the terrible things the nazis did to the Jews for example take them from there homes and torture th
        Aug 21, 2012 rated it it was amazing
        Shelves: 2012-favorites
        I am simply amazed at how invested I became in this short little story. It is hilarious and heartbreaking simultaneously. I continued to fall in love with Felix and now am terrified for him and can't wait to get my hands on the next book in the series.
        Jun 08, 2020 added it
        what happened in the end was the most traumatic thing ever 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭and that’s why i don’t know if i should give this book one star or five stars
        Alex  Baugh
        Jan 09, 2012 rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
        Shelves: world-war-2
        Then continues the story of 10 year old Felix begun in Once. When Once ended, Felix and Zelda had just jumped from the cattle car heading to a concentration camp.

        Then picks up the story as they flee through a forest. When they emerge from it, the first thing they see is a large pit in the ground full of the bodies of children and Nazis with machine guns standing around it. They flee back into the forest when the Nazis start shooting at them. While hiding, Felix and Zelda decide that the best th
        Richie Partington
        Nov 05, 2011 rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
        Shelves: fiction
        16 June 2011 THEN by Morris Gleitzman, Henry Holt, May 2011, 208p., ISBN: 978-0-8050-9027-7

        "'That's okay,' says Zelda in a small voice. 'I'm not hungry.
        '"I know she is because I am.
        "I hug her even tighter. Sometimes love from your family can make your tummy not hurt quite so much."

        What happens when a group of people is hated because of their ethnic or religious identity? You end up with a Holocaust. Millions of innocent people, including children, who have done nothing beyond having been rand
        Maxine Hello
        Sep 11, 2017 rated it it was amazing
        The book Then, by Morris Gleitzman is the second book in the Once series, I read that book a couple of times, it is a great book. This book is very easy to read, the Lexile level is kind of low, but I recommend everyone to read it. It is written in first person in the main character Felix’s perspective. Its about Felix and the other characters in the time period world war two, struggling to live avoiding Naxis, it is more difficult for Felix because he is jewish and has the sign that he is a jew ...more
        Sofia Shaw
        Mar 01, 2018 rated it it was amazing
        "Then," is the powerful sequel to "Once."
        Felix, a ten year old Jewish boy is living his life in complete disguise after escaping the Jewish train to the Concentration Camp with his six year old sister, Zelda. Genia, their new 'Auntie' is now also risking her life to house two secretly Jewish children. In order to stay alive in the Nazi-invaded Poland, Felix and Zelda are forced into being transformed into two completely different people: German Nazi supporters with blonde hair and German names,
        Mz. Diana Gagliardi
        May 31, 2012 rated it it was amazing
        The problem with books like this is that they are TOO good. They are too good at letting you see the craziness of war and the struggle of children who try their best not to be killed. They are too good at showing you what can happen to good people. They are too good at confusing you with all the grays and shadows of morality...

        Don't read this book if you don't want to think, and probably cry. I am still stopping and blowing my nose even as I write this. Because I can all too easily see what woul
        Dec 14, 2017 rated it it was amazing
        Zelda may be my favourite female character ever. I loved this book!
        Jun 13, 2015 rated it it was amazing
        I was not ready for that!!!
        The sequel to Once, this is an excellent and yet heart wrenching story set in WWII Poland. As I mentioned in my review of Once, this perspective reminds me of THE BOY IN THE STRIPED PAJAMAS. Just as that book was difficult to read, and yet so important, I have similar sentiments with this one. Though I was dismayed at the events portrayed, I also had prepared myself for immense sadness upon reading this. At the same time, I am ready to open the conclusion to the trilogy, Now. I adore the charact ...more
        Moral of the story: small children will get you killed in dangerous situations.
        May 06, 2020 rated it it was amazing
        Recommends it for: bryan alesna,
        it all takes place in Poland where zelda and Felix fall of a train while they were heading to a death camp. then they were travelling across Poland to find Felix parents who they though were at a death camp along the journey they saw some horrible thing, this was not a real story but some stuff that happened was close to what actually happened in real life just because they were Jewish and even good people did bad things because they were jew. and if you turned the Jews over to the Nazis you wou ...more
        Jul 30, 2017 rated it it was amazing

        Written by Morris Gleitzman
        Genre: A historical fiction

        ‘Then’ is a part of a mesmerising series written by an amazing author, Morris Gleitzman. His first book, once, written in 2010, was the beginning of this series. This series is about young people trying to survive in Poland during WW2 when the Nazis took over. ‘Then’, starts with, Felix, a ten-year-old Jewish boy trying to escape from the terrible things that await him, and his companion Zelda, a loving 6-year-old who is determined to
        Sally Kruger
        Always on the lookout for interesting accounts of the Holocaust, I picked this one up a few weeks ago. It wasn't until I got it home that I discovered it is book #2 of a trilogy. Last night I decided to go ahead and dive into the middle of things and just see what happened. Well, I'm finished and off to order the other two books!

        Felix is ten and Zelda is six. Felix is Jewish and Zelda is Catholic. They are both witnesses to the horror and violence of the Nazis. Having escaped from a prison camp
        Apr 05, 2017 rated it it was amazing
        I decided to read this book because it was recommended to me by lots of friends and I read some reviews on it and it seemed like a really good well rated book and I was interested in learning about the World War. I liked this book because it was a really well written book and was a on the edge of your seat book and I really enjoy those types of books because it makes me not want to stop reading. The book was good because it was telling people how bad the war was and how many innocent people were ...more
        Jan 23, 2020 rated it really liked it
        This book was amazing but very, very sad. If you cannot handle something really depressing do not read this book. But it has humour so that it is not as sad. I loved it and recommend it to someone who sad but funny books and aged 9-12
        Anvay Dixit
        Jan 05, 2015 rated it it was amazing
        Brought a tear to my eye. This book was phenomenal, despite being a comfort level, the story portrayed such horrific, yet hopeful emotions. This book was about the dreadful times of the 1940's

        Morris Gleitzman, the author wrote this book on his imaginations, but very real. The story was about the journey of Felix ( a jewish boy) who set out with Zelda, to survive the Nazi Jew battle. As this book progressed, the story intensified which made me even more engaged to know what was going to happen ne
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        What's the Name o...: SOLVED. A woman adopts two jewish children during ww2 [s] 3 27Feb 23, 2019 11:05AM 
        Great Book 1 1Jun 24, 2014 06:23PM 
        then 7 40Feb 28, 2014 02:50AM 

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        Morris began his writing career as a screenwriter, and wrote his first children's novel in 1985. His brilliantly comic style has endeared him to children and adults alike, and he is now one of Australia's most successful authors, both internationally and at home. He was born in England in 1953 and emigrated to Australia in 1969 so he could escape from school and become a Very Famous Writer.


        Other books in the series

        Once(7 books)
        • Once
        • Now
        • After
        • Soon
        • Maybe
        • Always (Once, #7)

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